On Monday, Donald Trump informed the world that he’d been “saved by God” in order to “Make America Great Again”. Now, I’m no theologian, so I can’t say for certain whether this was indeed God’s plan.
Frankly, though, I think it makes a lot more sense than the risible twaddle that was subsequently spouted at Trump by an actual bishop.
On Tuesday, the president attended a service at the Washington National Cathedral. And astonishingly, one of the speakers – a female bishop named Mariann Edgar Budde – decided that this was the perfect opportunity to lecture Trump about his policies on trans rights and immigration.
“Let me make one final plea, Mr President,” she sniffed. “In the name of God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families – some who fear for their lives…”
Sorry, what? If any children “fear for their lives” right now, it can only be because they’ve been listening to scaremongering propaganda from Left-wing activists. None of Trump’s policies put gay or trans people’s lives at risk.
And while we’re on the subject: could this bishop please clarify her position on gender ideology? Does she genuinely believe that some children are “born in the wrong body”? Because, if it’s the “wrong” body, that means God made a mistake. Does this bishop think God makes mistakes? And if so, does she tell Him this in her prayers?
“Dear God: whoops! Looks like You screwed up again, and put another little girl in the body of a little boy! I can’t believe You keep making this same dumb error! I thought You were meant to be infallible! You’d better pull Your finger out, or I’m going to start worshipping some other deity!”
Arguably, though, her comments on immigration were even more absurd. Some immigrants “may not be citizens or have the proper documentation”, she told the president, “but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals”.
Well, obviously. But Trump didn’t pledge to deport the ones who are not criminals. He pledged to deport the ones who are. Does this bishop really think he’s going to kick out everyone who was born abroad? That he’s about to deport Elon Musk (born in South Africa), or his own wife (Slovenia)?
The whole sermon was utterly toe-curling. Especially given that this is precisely the sort of pompous, patronising, progressive drivel that, a mere two months ago, the American public rejected at the ballot box. They were sick of being lectured and scolded about these issues. So in truth, this woke bishop’s pathetic attack on Trump sums up why he won.
On top of that, many people will doubtless be wondering what exactly the bishop’s comments have to do with religion. If she can point to the chapter of the Bible where Jesus says, “Trans women are women”, and deplores the severity of the US immigration system, I’d be fascinated to read it.
In my view, though, the main question is: why on earth did she do this? Did she really imagine Trump would think: “Say, this chick in the smock’s got some great points. Why shouldn’t we let millions of illegals live in our country? And why shouldn’t we let dudes compete in the ladies’ boxing? I’m gonna rip up all the promises that got me elected, and govern just like Kamala would have!”
Maybe. Or perhaps she knew it was futile – but said it anyway, because she just wanted applause from other liberals. Which is, let’s face it, the number one reason why most modern liberals say anything.
Michael Deacon - Telegraph Media Group
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