
U.S. House Speaker Johnson Refuses Biden’s New $24 Billion for Ukraine

  • Independent News Roundup By Independent News Roundup

David Shavin December 5, 2024 EIRNS EST

Yesterday, the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson made clear that last week’s request by the Biden administration for another $24 billion for weapons for the Ukraine conflict will be dead on delivery. At the House Republican Leaders News Conference, he was asked whether the request would come to a vote. Johnson said that he is “not planning to do that…. There are developments by the hour in Ukraine. I think, as we predicted and as I said to all of you weeks before the election, if Donald Trump is elected, it will change the dynamic of the Russian war on Ukraine. So, it is not the place of Joe Biden to make that decision. Now, we have a newly elected president, and we are going to wait and take the new commander-in-chief’s direction on all of that.”
